Picture Shack is 30!

In April 1993, Picture Shack was born, in physical form, into its first gallery in Achiltibuie. Living on the island of Tanera Mhor at the time, I would come across every day on the fish farm boat which came to pick up, and then drop off, workers from the mainland. Opening Day was planned for a Saturday; unfortunately, being still early in the year, a severe gale blew up and I could not attend my own event, and it was thus postponed until Monday. On arrival at the new gallery I found a bunch of flowers and bottle of champagne on the doorstep with a ‘good luck’ card.

Indeed, Picture Shack was a lucky enterprise, and it’s now a big, fat 30 years old. Although it’s taking a break from physicality, it reserves the right to reinstate itself somewhere down the line if it ever feels so inclined. In the meantime, to celebrate its birthday, I am offering this painting of Suilven in the form of a silent auction.

It is many years since I dabbled in acrylics but I recently felt the desire to give them another go. While they can’t replace watercolours or pastels in my heart, I had fun with this first experiment and the colours are a lot more vivid than in most of my work!

‘Suilven, late summer’ is acrylic on board; unframed, unvarnished,

12″ x 10″ (25cm x 30cm approximately)

If you would like to bid for this painting, send me a message (via the contact form or email) and whoever offers the highest amount by Friday 30th of June will receive the painting.

June 30th update: The auction has now finished, and this painting will be winging its way to New Zealand very soon! Thank you for your bids. Better luck next time!